Channa Jayasumana, Minister of State for Drug Supplies has appointed a special committee to investigate the deletion of data from the National Drug Regulatory Authority. Former High Court Judge Sarojini Kusala Weerawardena chairs the committee.

The committee has prepared an interim report, which was released to the media before it was officially released. The recommendations of the committee report have been revealed by a weekend English newspaper.

Channa Jayasumana has pointed the finger at the Government Medical Officers’ Association in this regard.

However, it is reported that the relevant report has been revealed to the media by a member of the committee appointed by the Minister of State. The member had given the contents of the committee report to his brother, who worked for a newspaper close to the heads of government.

He has given the facts to another newspaper without revealing them through his newspaper. The reason was that if the revelation was made through his newspaper, it would be revealed that the committee report came out through his brother.

The report of the relevant five member committee has recommended that the National Drug Regulatory Authority, which is currently under the purview of the Cabinet Minister of Health, be placed under the State Ministry of Drug Supply.